null 9 ways to save money on your next road trip

1. Carefully plan your route

Use a GPS app to plan your itinerary. This will allow you to plan your sight-seeing stops in advance and help you plan the most direct route where necessary. Once you know your overall distance with detours factored in, you can estimate your fuel costs.

2. Set a budget

Setting limits around how much you are willing to spend on accommodation, food, fuel and entertainment will help you avoid an unexpectedly large post-trip credit card bill. Start by accounting for accommodations, since this will likely be your biggest expense, then factor in, among other things, the cost of meals, fuel and entrance fees to attractions.

3. Pack meals and snacks

Stocking up on snacks, drinks, and sandwiches can cost you a lot less than what you’ll pay for food at gas stations and road-side restaurants. Also consider bringing a cooler so you can load it up with fresh food. Planning picnics along the way can save you money and can be a fun way to explore communities you would normally drive past.

4. Inspect your vehicle before you leave

Having your car breakdown in the middle of nowhere can undoubtedly ruin a road trip. It could also blow your budget as you may have to pay for a tow and be on the hook for whatever the local repair shop wants to charge you. Have your car inspected by a professional before you leave on your trip, and don’t forget to top up your windshield fluid and check that the air pressure in your tires is within a normal range.

5. Pre-book accommodations

Book accommodations along your route ahead of time to help you avoid last-minute price hikes and ensure you will always have a safe and comfortable place to stay. If you’re really trying to cut costs, try staying in a hostel – they could be an excellent way to save and meet like-minded travelers.

6. Consider camping

Camping at designated sites along your route may help you save money and can be an exciting experience for the whole family. Among other things, pack a tent and sleeping bags and check out the Parks Canada website for information on seasonal conditions and admission rates of national parks.

7. Travel with friends!

If you have room in your car, consider inviting along a couple of friends who you can share expenses with, such as fuel and accommodation. To keep track of who owes who what, try using an app that allows you to track your shared expenses.

8. Get a roadside assistance plan

A roadside assistance plan may quickly pay for itself if you run into serious car trouble or get stuck on the side of the road with a dead battery or flat tire. Contact your auto insurance provider to check if they have a plan that’s right for you.

9. Check your auto insurance coverage

If you plan to travel outside of Canada or the United States in your vehicle, contact your insurance company to ensure you are covered and know your auto insurance policy’s limitations.

By following a few of these tips, you may save money on your next road trip and have some left over to spend on the fun stuff like unexpected roadside attractions and souvenirs.

For more information on its auto insurance coverage, don’t hesitate to contact The Personal.

9 ways to save money on your next road trip

While many of us see road trips as a cheaper alternative to vacations abroad, costs can still add up quickly if we’re not careful. Follow these few tips to help you avoid breaking the bank on your next trip.

Certain conditions, exclusions and limitations may apply.

The terms and conditions of the coverages described are set out in the insurance policy, which always prevails.

These tips are provided for information and prevention purposes only. They are general in nature, and The Personal cannot be held liable for them. We recommend using caution and consulting an expert for comprehensive, tailored advice.

Auto Insurance is not available in MB, SK and BC due to government-run plans.